History of Stove House

Stove House 5 was built in 1965 by Henry Thompson. It was
the last of the five Stove Houses to be constructed on site. The associated Pan
House 5 lay to the east. The pan and stove house began to decay badly and the
pan house entirely collapse in the 1990s. The stove house survived but a huge
gap had opened in the south-east corner and the whole complex was dismantled in
The Restoration
As part of the restoration the stove house is being rebuilt and
will form the museum entrance and shop on the ground floor with conference
facilities on the first floor. The rebuilding of Stove House 5 involves the
excavation of the entire footprint and the pouring of a concrete raft to take
the weight of the new building.
Scheduled Monument consent requires an archaeological
excavation to be conducted before the construction of the concrete slab.
Archaeological Excavations have been undertaken in January
and February 2013 by Oxford Archaeology North. This involved the
machine excavation of an area 20m by 20m in size. The remains of brick
buildings were then cleaned by hand and then surveyed, drawn, photographed and
The Alliance Works
The current excavations have revealed the remains of the
boundary wall between the earlier Alliance Works and the later Lion Salt Works.
Along this boundary was a small cottage. The cottage may have been where the
Thompson’s lived and managed the earlier works. It also appears to have acted
as a pan smithy for repairing the pans of the Alliance Works. A large hearth
was located within the remains of the buildings.
In addition a large machine
pit suggests there was a steam engine north of the building. A series of
cobbles formed a yard to the west of the cottage.
The Fishery Pans

Documentary Research has revealed that a series of four
‘fishery pans’ existed on the site in the early 20
th century that
were replaced by Stove House 4 in the 1950s. Fishery pans – so called because
they provided coarse salt for preservation in the fishery industry [ADD LINK TO
MAKING SALT] – were much simpler and consisted of a single open pan over a
stove. Four existed on site.
Excavation revealed the foundations of one of these fishery
pans. No flues were revealed but the remains of brick piers along the edge of
the stove and the base of a further large chimney was excavated at the north of
the stove.
Stove House 5
Overlying the remains of the fishery pan was the brick walls
of Stove House 5.
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